Thursday 27 April 2017

Evaluation 7 - Upgrade from Prelimanary Task

How I upgraded from my Prelimanary task

first things first, making my preliminary task really helped me with my final film, it opened me up on how to use premier pro and gave me a little insight on the basic controls. this meant I was able to mess around with the control and see how they all work so when it comes to making my real film I am already familiar with the controls, also I'm already have an understanding of what effects look good and where.
from filming my preliminary task I was able to face the challengers that you are faced with such as bad weather and simple technical defaults. this meant when we was filming our post apocalyptic film we where prepared for the challengers and had more time to overcome them. This meant we have more time for filming.
from doing my preliminary task I was able to get  grip with how to use all the hard/soft war, such as the camera, in our post apocalyptic film we were able to adjust the settings on the camera to get the best videos possible and to a high standard, this was due to the previous experience with the camera when doing our prelimanary task, as then we wasn't sure how to adjust these settings so all shots where recorded with standard settings not getting the best out of the camera. Also from doing this short task we were able to get to grips with the use of the tripod and how to master its functions such as hiring the camera, and using the swivelling turn table to take moving shots, still.
Also from doing my preliminary task I was able to know what shots are possible to create, when planning my pre-lim task the shots that I was going to include wouldn't if been possible and made me re think what shot I realistically can do, so this meant in my final film I was already coming to terms with what shots are possible and look good.
Also from creating our preliminary task, it opened up a larger range of camera angles we knew of, for example we use a low angle shot at the end of our film to give the unknown character a sense of power and domination, before our preliminary task we was unaware of this camera angle and its effectiveness.

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