Friday 17 March 2017

Evaluation 2

Overall character evaluation
the film 'Wanderer' consists of all characters ,Male. Our main thought was men are the more dominant character out of the genders, so we implied this theory to our film, to portray women are not strong enough and don't have the will to survive a post apocalyptic attack, this backs up the idea of men being the stronger gender.
Our characters where all aged 16-18, this was done for many reasons. One being because we only had teenagers available for filming, in school hours. However because of this it helped back up our target audience ,(teenagers). this gave a stronger reason for our target audience and attracted more viewers.
All our cast members had weapons lethal or not, this was to show the rarity of weapons and how desperate all characters are for survival, this gives the audience mixed opinions on all characters and by viewing there weapon they can quickly decide on how vulnerable they are and also if they are there to kill or to protect.
With in my short film, the main character (the protagonist) is white. This is a mainstream feature in many action and post apocalyptic films due to there common stereotypes of white people being smarter and more practical than other races. If we could of, in our film we would of featured a black male character towards the end as views wouldn't predict the out come as we would like to of shown them to bring positivity back to all races currently in the post apocalyptic scene, and show how all races are equal, this would of broken all ethnic stereotypes and reversed them.
Within my short post apocalyptic film the 4 characters featured are all male teenagers, this was important when constructing my film because stereotypically makes are the stronger gender and are known to be more physical which is key to survival in post apocalyptic matters. Women were not strong enough to survive in our film as its around 10 years after the disaster occurred or intelligent enough.

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