Friday 6 January 2017

Male Gaze Theory

Are Women Still Objectified?

  • 1970's Hollywood, male driven society industry.
  • Audience and makers mainly male of specific genres.
  • Laura Mulvey - Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze theory. Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema was an essay written by Laura Mulvey. An essay which coined the term “Male Gaze” which soon went on to become a very well know and discussed theory. In film, the male gaze occurs when the audience is put into the perspective of a heterosexual man.
  • Medium always shows women in the view of a male perspective, this shows male dominance.
  • Male Gaze = perspective of audience.
  • Producer, audience and male character's point of view women in the film. this is shown by props, eye contact, facial expressions that may or may not be choreographed or rehearsed and is just the male characters response.
  • Producer = mostly a man, camera lensing affect taking a masculine point of view    
                                 -meaning that we will view women from  a male perspective.
                                 -shots linger on a females body, curves and assets, reducing them to know more
                                   than eye candy for a heterosexual audience. 
  • Male audience = prime desire to look at the human body. Humans get sexual pleasure from naked bodies.
  • Male characters = women are there to be looked at - to draw audiences attention. Guys in audience and in film sharing a joke on womens body, gestures and actions. Men have power over women.
  • Female form serves men for visual pleasure. 

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