Thursday 6 October 2016

Camera Angles

Camera Angles

Extreme Close Up:
this camera angle expresses the male is unconscious and is unaware of what is occurring which adds suspense due to him being in a coma, this angle is very closed to his face and adds the clarity of his expressions showing his severer discomfort and confusion because of his eyes slightly open showing he's stunned.
Image result for 28 days later extreme close up
(28 days later)

Establishing Shot:
this shot can be used to portray the sheer size of where his current location is or could also be used to show the loneliness of the character or how lost he/she currently is.

Image result for established shot in films
 Birds Eye view:
the birs eye view shot it to show the audience the current environment of the location which enables the audience to gain a different prospective of the scenery set up, this can give the viewer a first impression of the scene, and can also show the size of the location.
Image result for birds eye view apocalyptic
Point Of View:
this show the prospective of one of the characters or even animals. This shot is good as it places the audience in the position that the character is in so the audience can share his emotions and understand the current situation he/she is in.
 Image result for point of view shot movie
Low Angle/High Angle:
This camera angle gives a sense of 'speeded motion'. Low angles help give a sense of confusion to the viewer. The background of a low angle shot will normally be just sky or ceiling, the lack of detail in the setting adds to the disorientation of the viewer. The added height of the object may make it look powerful and feared and insecurity to the viewer.
 Image result for high angle shotImage result for low angle shot

 Cutaway Shot:
this camera angle is used to take focus off of the main subject, and could be used to show his surroundings.
 Image result for cutaway camera shot movies

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