Saturday 31 December 2016

Video edits

Video edits:

"Video editing is the process of manipulating and rearranging video shots to create a new work. Editing is usually considered to be one part of the post production process — other post-production tasks include titling, colour correction, sound mixing, etc." quote from Google.

Monday 12 December 2016

Location, Costumes, props

The current location seen above is located in Kirkby in Ashfield, Southwell Lane. The location is very run down and unattended. it has over grown bushes, graffiti and an abandoned train track. This type of location adds to the realism of out film being post apocalyptic. this all adds to our genre choice.
The location is easily accessible for all mambers of the filming which also makes the location better for us all, and due to this area being our number 1 place to film its very beneficial for us all.
We are hoping to film when its just begging to turn dark, but so we still have light, this is because we are planning to use flares so they will look best when there glare is reflecting onto us, this will add to the affect that light is our main life source, and shows life.

The costumes we are using have been chosen to match the location and mimic the weather, this will enhance the feeling shown by the characters and prove a more realistic lost feel and sense of the end of life as we currently know it, our characters are very specific and there costumes have had a lot of thought go into then, such as the gas mask helmet this will add to the feel of the world ending as the gasmask shows the main object to life at its current state, the gasmask will be a large figure in our film and will be focused on a lot through out.
Image result for gas mask apocalyptic prop
All characters will dress in distressed clothing to show the fight they've had to go through before our film, this will add to the unknown stories each character went through before there seen on film , which gives the affect of survival is hard at the current time,which makes the audience begin to think of what they have been going through

We are using many props, the first is  a flare, the flair will symbolise life and show a sence of security when in shot, this will add to the feeling of apocalyptic and give a feeling of hope to the characters and audience
There will, also be the use of degreaded wepons this will add to the feel of the end of th world as they are using last resort equipment, this shows there on there last legs, this will add fear to the film as the audice are unsure how there current wepons can deal with there life style.

Monday 5 December 2016

preliminary task

their are a couple of parts within my preliminary task that I am proud of and will include in the next video we make. I was very happy with camera angles I used as I believe certain low angle shots and tracking shots create strong appearances to the characters and clearly highlights there emotions for the viewer, also the music through out my video I believed was very powerful and help put across the characters feeling and current state, this is all done without the music overpowering the film but instead adds emotions to the clips.

whereas in my preliminary task their are a few features of I am displeased with and would change if I was to do the task again. One thing which I believe ruins my movie is that the amount of frames used within a single scene of dialog, this makes the film unrealistic and hard to watch. To overcome this error in my final film I will only use 12 frames in each section of dialog and extend it so that it gives more time for the audience to become immersed in my final product. Another negative about my film is the costume change between scenes, this was done because filming was done over 2 weeks and a few days the characters forgot to wear there clothing used in the previous scene, this can easily be overcome but can confuse the audience to why his costume keeps changing.